Medical Insurance/Medicaid Assistance
GPS SmartSole® is a medical innovative wandering assistive tracking and monitoring solution. Like most new technology, being approved for any kind of institutional program requires time. We have worked with Developmental Disability agencies, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Aging and Disabilities across the country. At MetAlert, we are applying and enrolling with private and government providers on a continual basis.
The speed of our success is greatly driven by the demand voiced by those most in need of this solution- patients, caregivers, family members and case managers. We respond to inquiries as quickly as possible, and diligently follow through with enrollment procedures. Patients, ask your case managers or insurance membership services about SmartSole reimbursement/ordering eligibility. If you are a provider, please contact us so we may begin working with you.
Insurance Reimbursment Questions
Is GPS SmartSole covered by insurance?
Some insurance agencies do cover/reimburse for the GPS SmartSole purchase and/or Monitoring service plan. As with any medical reimbursement, coverage varies based on your specific insurance agency, and policy. You must inquire with your insurance agency directly to learn more about insurance coverage for medical tracking devices. We are willing to enroll as an authorized medical supply provider with your insurance agency.
Do you need a prescription to buy GPS SmartSole?
No, a prescription is not required to purchase GPS SmartSole. Although a doctor may prescribe a GPS wander assistive device for a patient, we do not need to see a copy of the prescription. This prescription, however, may be required to obtain reimbursement through your insurance or government disability assistance agency.
Do you have a CPT code?
Due to the fact that the BLE and GPS SmartSole are a new and innovative caregiving solution, we do not yet have an unique insurance procedure code (CPT) or standardized reimbursement arrangements with insurance companies. However, these Codes may assist you:
• 1447709290 – National Provider Identifier (NPI) Number
• 333300000X – Emergency Response System Companies – Taxonomy
• X5012 Personal emergency response system
• S5160, S5161, S5160: Emergency response system; installation and testing
• S5161: Emergency response system; service fee, per month (Excludes installation & testing)
• S5162: Emergency response system; purchase only
• X5014 DME – personal emergency response system, installation
We welcome your insurance providers to contact us so we can work with them to facilitate the reimbursement process.
Does medicaid reimburse the GPS SmartSole?
Medicaid programs vary state to state, and even department to department. We have worked with agencies in Wisconsin, Ohio, New York, California, Illinois and Maine to provide the GPS SmartSole solution to qualifying clients. We recommend you contact your Case Manager about including the GPS SmartSole into your care program. Case Managers: we are happy to follow your ordering procedure and enroll with your agency to become an authorized vendor/provider as we have done in several other states. We are open to creating custom pricing & billing options. Please see our contact page and click “For U.S. Business Partnership / Reseller Inquiries”
Do you offer discounts to veterans, active military and first responders?
Yes! At MetAlert we appreciate our heroes! We give 10% off to all military and veterans, police and fire fighters, as well as other first responders. Please contact us at with a scanned copy of your military, veterans, law enforcement, or first responder ID, DD214 etc for the promo code. (Please allow 1 business day for a response.)

Request Assistance From Your Medicaid/Medicare Agency
Give this list of Medical & Wandering Assistive Technology Codes to your Medicaid/Medicare funded agency Case Worker when you discuss adding the GPS SmartSole® solution to the care plan for your loved one.