Congratulations on completing your S.A.F.E. Certification, and thanks for being a part of the mission to help prevent firearm tragedies.
The resources below can be used to inform and educate your students and to show your latest accomplishment and accreditation to the world. Being S.A.F.E. Certified is a way to differentiate yourself from other instructors and highlight your commitment to the latest in innovations!
If you would like a GunAlert device, brochures to hand out, and banner for your classroom or range, be sure to check out the Instructors Demo Kit below the resource guide. Instantly save 33% on the GunAlert device, get 6 months free service, priority support, and all the resources you need to encourage your students to be responsible gun owners with GunAlert. PLUS you earn an extra month of service for every device sold! If you have any questions, please email info@metalert.com and your message will be routed to a GunAlert/S.A.F.E. Expert. Thank you for your dedication to firearm safety.
Downloadable Resources
GunAlert® Digital Flyer
DownloadA 2-sided 8.5 x 11" flyer describing GunAlert in a handy printable format.
GunAlert® Digital Trifold
DownloadA 2-sided single .5 x 11" trifold describing GunAlert, folds for easy distribution.
GunAlert® Features Guide
DownloadKey features of the GunAlert device & App, in one convenient graphic.
GunAlert® Slide Deck PowerPoint
Download8 slides perfect for demonstrating GunAlert's features. .pdf file
S.A.F.E. Program Digital Banner
Download22x40" banner perfect for hanging in the range/classroom. (Get 1 FREE with Instructor GunAlert®)
S.A.F.E. Program Logo
DownloadLogo for use in supporting/promoting the S.A.F.E. program via websites, emails or social media.
S.A.F.E. Instructor Badge
DownloadAs a S.A.F.E. Certified Firearm Safety Instructor, display this badge on websites, social media, CV, etc.
GunAlert® Logo
DownloadLogo in .png format for use on websites, emails or social media. info@metalert.com to request alternate format.
Get A GunAlert®!
Great for your personal use, and demonstration. Exclusive offer for S.A.F.E. Certified Instructors. $50 off and 6 months free. Additional free service with referrals! Comes with GunAlert trifold brochures and a S.A.F.E. program banner- free!
GunAlert® for Firearm Instructors
Includes 6 months of free service. Service Plan is $5 / month. Earn 10% commission.
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